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Beatles – Bad To Me chords
Hi Beatle fans! I recently had a request for this song from one of my students who had to me a chord sheet from another tab site that was horribly incorrect. John and Paul used lot of augmented chords in their early tunes, so I thought that I would share this song you all. I pulled the tune from a John Lennon demo of the song with just him and guitar, so it's from the original source. I hope you enjoy and learn from it! BAD TO ME (Tuning: ½ step down)E C#mIf you ever leave me, I'll be sad and blueAbm F#m G+Don't you ever leave me, I'm so in love with youE Abm C#mThe birds in the sky would be sad and lonelyE Abm C#mIf they knew that I lost my one and only,A B7 E Abm B7They'd be sad if you're bad to meE Abm C#mThe leaves on the trees would be softly sighin’E Abm C#mIf they heard from the breeze that you left me crying,A B7 EThey'd be sad don’t be bad to meA B7But I know you won't leave me 'cause you told me so,E C#7I've no intention of letting you go,A B7 F#m G+Just as long as you let me know, you won't be bad to meE Abm C#mSo the birds in the sky won't be sad and lonelyE Abm C#m'Cause they know that I got my one and onlyA B7 Bm C#7They'll be glad you're not bad to meF#m B7 E Abm F#m B7They'll be glad you're not bad to meE Abm F#m B7To meE Abm F#m B7To me