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CI'm sitting here, late at nightF C and I cant sleepGEveryone's tucked into bedF C it's so quiet, not even a peepCSo I'm sitting alone, in my chairF C trying to write a song.GBut like John Prine said "my head's as emptyF C as the day is long".chorusFsome call this writers blockC my cat jumped in my lapGpurring like a lionF C now settling to take a napFI can't think of anythingC everything comes out wrongGwell here comes another dayF C and yesterday is goneCi tried turning on the tvF but there's nothing there to seeGevery type of infomercialF C trying to sell something to meC i'm so tired and my head is fuzzyF i don't have very longGwhy does it have to be so hardF C just to try and write a songrepeat chorus