George Formby – Leaning On A Lampost chords
Hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe Please e - mail any corrections to:- =========================================================================== Leaning On A Lamp – post George Formby =========================================================================== INTRODUCTION C G7 C INTROC G7 Am7 C#dim G7I'm leaning on a lamp, maybe you think, I look a tramp,C Am7 D7 G7 C Dm7 G7 Or you may think I'm hanging 'round to steal a car.C G7 Am7 C#dim G7But no I'm not a crook, and if you think, that's what I look,C Am D7 G7 Dm7 G7I'll tell you why I'm here, and what my motives are.(Tempo Change) Verse 1:C I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,G7 CIn case a certain little lady comes by.G7 C Oh me, oh my,G D7 G G7I hope the little lady comes by.C I don't know if she'll get away, she doesn't always get away,G7 CBut anyhow I know that she'll try.G7 C Oh me, oh my,G D7 G G7I hope the little lady comes by.Bridge 1:G7 Dm7 G7 C E7 AmThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,D7 G7 Dm7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,G7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 1:C Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.G7 C7 And anyone can understand why,F I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetC G7 CIn case a certain little lady passes by.(Tempo change) Verse 2:C I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,G7 CIn case a certain little lady comes by.G7 C Oh me, oh my,G D7 G7I hope the little lady goes. do do do dah dah dee dee dee.....C I don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,G7 CBut anyhow I know that she'll try.G7 C Oh me, oh my,G D7 G I hope the little lady comes by.Bridge 2:G7 Dm7 G7 C E7 AmThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,D7 G7 Dm7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,G7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 2:C Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.G7 C7 C+And anyone can understand why,F D7I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetC G7 CIn case a certain little lady passes by.(Ukulele Solo) Bridge 3:G7 Dm7 G7 C E7 AmThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,D7 G7 Dm7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,G7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 3:C Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.G7 C7 C+And anyone can understand why,F D7I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetC G7 C G7 CIn case a certain little lady passes by.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX INTRODUCTION D A7 D INTROD A7 Bm7 D#dim A7I'm leaning on a lamp, maybe you think, I look a tramp,D Bm7 E7 A7 D Em7 A7Or you may think I'm hanging 'round to steal a car.D A7 Bm7 D#dim A7But no I'm not a crook, and if you think, that's what I look,D Bm E7 A7 Em7 A7I'll tell you why I'm here, and what my motives are.(Tempo Change) Verse 1:DI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,A7 DIn case a certain little lady comes by.A7 DOh me, oh my,A E7 A A7I hope the little lady comes by.DI don't know if she'll get away, she doesn't always get away,A7 DBut anyhow I know that she'll try.A7 DOh me, oh my,A E7 A A7I hope the little lady comes by.Bridge 1:A7 Em7 A7 D F#7 BmThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,E7 A7 Em7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,A7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 1:DOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.A7 D7And anyone can understand why,GI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetD A7 DIn case a certain little lady passes by.(Tempo change) Verse 2:DI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,A7 DIn case a certain little lady comes by.A7 DOh me, oh my,A E7 A7I hope the little lady goes. do do do dah dah dee dee dee.....DI don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,A7 DBut anyhow I know that she'll try.A7 DOh me, oh my,A E7 AI hope the little lady comes by.Bridge 2:A7 Em7 A7 D F#7 BmThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,E7 A7 Em7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,A7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 2:DOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.A7 D7 D+And anyone can understand why,G E7I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetD A7 DIn case a certain little lady passes by.(Ukulele Solo) Bridge 3:A7 Em7 A7 D F#7 BmThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,E7 A7 Em7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,A7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 3:DOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.A7 D7 D+And anyone can understand why,G E7I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetD A7 D A7 DIn case a certain little lady passes by.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX INTRODUCTION E B7 E INTROE B7 C#m7 Fdim B7I'm leaning on a lamp, maybe you think, I look a tramp,E C#m7 F#7 B7 E F#m7 B7Or you may think I'm hanging 'round to steal a car.E B7 C#m7 Fdim B7But no I'm not a crook, and if you think, that's what I look,E C#m F#7 B7 F#m7 B7I'll tell you why I'm here, and what my motives are.(Tempo Change) Verse 1:EI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,B7 EIn case a certain little lady comes by.B7 EOh me, oh my,B F#7 B B7I hope the little lady comes by.EI don't know if she'll get away, she doesn't always get away,B7 EBut anyhow I know that she'll try.B7 EOh me, oh my,B F#7 B B7I hope the little lady comes by.Bridge 1:B7 F#m7 B7 E G#7 C#mThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,F#7 B7 F#m7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,B7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 1:EOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.B7 E7And anyone can understand why,AI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetE B7 EIn case a certain little lady passes by.(Tempo change) Verse 2:EI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,B7 EIn case a certain little lady comes by.B7 EOh me, oh my,B F#7 B7I hope the little lady goes. do do do dah dah dee dee dee.....EI don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,B7 EBut anyhow I know that she'll try.B7 EOh me, oh my,B F#7 BI hope the little lady comes by.Bridge 2:B7 F#m7 B7 E G#7 C#mThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,F#7 B7 F#m7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,B7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 2:EOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.B7 E7 E+And anyone can understand why,A F#7I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetE B7 EIn case a certain little lady passes by.(Ukulele Solo) Bridge 3:B7 F#m7 B7 E G#7 C#mThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,F#7 B7 F#m7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,B7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 3:EOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.B7 E7 E+And anyone can understand why,A F#7I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetE B7 E B7 EIn case a certain little lady passes by.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX INTRODUCTION F C7 F INTROF C7 Dm7 Gbdim C7I'm leaning on a lamp, maybe you think, I look a tramp,F Dm7 G7 C7 F Gm7 C7Or you may think I'm hanging 'round to steal a car.F C7 Dm7 Gbdim C7But no I'm not a crook, and if you think, that's what I look,F Dm G7 C7 Gm7 C7I'll tell you why I'm here, and what my motives are.(Tempo Change) Verse 1:FI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,C7 FIn case a certain little lady comes by.C7 FOh me, oh my,C G7 C C7I hope the little lady comes by.FI don't know if she'll get away, she doesn't always get away,C7 FBut anyhow I know that she'll try.C7 FOh me, oh my,C G7 C C7I hope the little lady comes by.Bridge 1:C7 Gm7 C7 F A7 DmThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,G7 C7 Gm7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,C7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 1:FOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.C7 F7And anyone can understand why,BbI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetF C7 FIn case a certain little lady passes by.(Tempo change) Verse 2:FI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,C7 FIn case a certain little lady comes by.C7 FOh me, oh my,C G7 C7I hope the little lady goes. do do do dah dah dee dee dee.....FI don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,C7 FBut anyhow I know that she'll try.C7 FOh me, oh my,C G7 CI hope the little lady comes by.Bridge 2:C7 Gm7 C7 F A7 DmThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,G7 C7 Gm7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,C7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 2:FOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.C7 F7 F+And anyone can understand why,Bb G7I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetF C7 FIn case a certain little lady passes by.(Ukulele Solo) Bridge 3:C7 Gm7 C7 F A7 DmThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,G7 C7 Gm7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,C7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 3:FOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.C7 F7 F+And anyone can understand why,Bb G7I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetF C7 F C7 FIn case a certain little lady passes by.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX INTRODUCTION G D7 G INTROG D7 Em7 G#dim D7I'm leaning on a lamp, maybe you think, I look a tramp,G Em7 A7 D7 G Am7 D7Or you may think I'm hanging 'round to steal a car.G D7 Em7 G#dim D7But no I'm not a crook, and if you think, that's what I look,G Em A7 D7 Am7 D7I'll tell you why I'm here, and what my motives are.(Tempo Change) Verse 1:GI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,D7 GIn case a certain little lady comes by.D7 GOh me, oh my,D A7 D D7I hope the little lady comes by.GI don't know if she'll get away, she doesn't always get away,D7 GBut anyhow I know that she'll try.D7 GOh me, oh my,D A7 D D7I hope the little lady comes by.Bridge 1:D7 Am7 D7 G B7 EmThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,A7 D7 Am7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,D7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 1:GOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.D7 G7And anyone can understand why,CI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetG D7 GIn case a certain little lady passes by.(Tempo change) Verse 2:GI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,D7 GIn case a certain little lady comes by.D7 GOh me, oh my,D A7 D7I hope the little lady goes. do do do dah dah dee dee dee.....GI don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,D7 GBut anyhow I know that she'll try.D7 GOh me, oh my,D A7 DI hope the little lady comes by.Bridge 2:D7 Am7 D7 G B7 EmThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,A7 D7 Am7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,D7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 2:GOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.D7 G7 G+And anyone can understand why,C A7I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetG D7 GIn case a certain little lady passes by.(Ukulele Solo) Bridge 3:D7 Am7 D7 G B7 EmThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,A7 D7 Am7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,D7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 3:GOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.D7 G7 G+And anyone can understand why,C A7I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetG D7 G D7 GIn case a certain little lady passes by.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX INTRODUCTION A E7 A INTROA E7 F#m7 A#dim E7I'm leaning on a lamp, maybe you think, I look a tramp,A F#m7 B7 E7 A Bm7 E7Or you may think I'm hanging 'round to steal a car.A E7 F#m7 A#dim E7But no I'm not a crook, and if you think, that's what I look,A F#m B7 E7 Bm7 E7I'll tell you why I'm here, and what my motives are.(Tempo Change) Verse 1:AI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,E7 AIn case a certain little lady comes by.E7 AOh me, oh my,E B7 E E7I hope the little lady comes by.AI don't know if she'll get away, she doesn't always get away,E7 ABut anyhow I know that she'll try.E7 AOh me, oh my,E B7 E E7I hope the little lady comes by.Bridge 1:E7 Bm7 E7 A C#7 F#mThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,B7 E7 Bm7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,E7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 1:AOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.E7 A7And anyone can understand why,DI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetA E7 AIn case a certain little lady passes by.(Tempo change) Verse 2:AI'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,E7 AIn case a certain little lady comes by.E7 AOh me, oh my,E B7 E7I hope the little lady goes. do do do dah dah dee dee dee.....AI don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,E7 ABut anyhow I know that she'll try.E7 AOh me, oh my,E B7 EI hope the little lady comes by.Bridge 2:E7 Bm7 E7 A C#7 F#mThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,B7 E7 Bm7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,E7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 2:AOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.E7 A7 A+And anyone can understand why,D B7I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetA E7 AIn case a certain little lady passes by.(Ukulele Solo) Bridge 3:E7 Bm7 E7 A C#7 F#mThere's no other girl I would wait for, but this one I'd break any date for,B7 E7 Bm7I won't have to ask what she's late for, she wouldn't have to leave me flat,E7She's not a girl like that.Chorus 3:AOh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvelous and beautiful.E7 A7 A+And anyone can understand why,D B7I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the streetA E7 A E7 AIn case a certain little lady passes by.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX