Homeless Kings – Summers End chords


C G Em D

[Verse 1]

C G In my old hometown
Em D i was driving down
C G You were going on my street,
Em D befor our first meet
C GAnd I saw you dancing
C GAnd i never met you again
EmI don’t wanna give up
D CUntil i ve got the way back
Dto the summer’s End
[Verse 2]
C G I never knew that you exist
Em D Now you re the top of my list
C G I hope we’ll meet again
Em D I wanna dance in the rain
[Bridge Solo] C G Em D [Chorus]
C GAnd I saw you dancing
C GAnd i never met you again
EmI don’t wanna give up
D CUntil i ve got the way back
Dto the summer’s End
[End] G
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