Jeremy Camp – King Jesus chords
King Jesus Jeremy Camp Intro Bm7 G 4xBm7 G D D2All creation shook on that very day the Lamb was slainBm7 G D D2Then redemption came to anyone who would call His nameBm7 G DWith power and with strength You broke these heavy chainsD2And salvation reignedG AAnd with a shout of praise and with our voices raisedDKing JesusAYour are victoriousGYou have conquered deathBm7 AWith this life of loveDKing JesusAYou are victoriousGYou paid the final debtBm7 AFor all of usG Bm7 AKing JesusYou are victoriousBm7 G D ANone can separate the very hope and grace that He displayedBm7 G D ANeither height nor depth or anyone can steal the love He gaveG AAnd with a shout of praise and with our voices raisedBm7 GOne day every knee will bowBm7 AAnd behold You in your gloryBm7 G AAnd every tongue declare Your Holy nameG Bm7 AKing Jesus You are victorious