Keith Getty – Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer chords
(Capo 1)A7 D G D1. Jesus, Draw me ever near-er2. Jesus, guide me through the temp-est 3. Let the treasures of the tri-umphD G D1. As I la-bor through the storm2. Keep me spir-it stayed and sure 3. Form with-in me as I goG D G D1. You have called me to this pas-sage2. When the mid-night meets the mor-ning 3. And at the end of this long pas-sageD G D1. And I'll fol-low, though I'm worn2. Let me love you even more 3. Let me leave them at your throne Chorus:D A D AMay this jour-ney bring the bles-singD G D AMay I rise on wings of faithG D G Dand at the end of my hearts test-ingG Dwith your like-ness let me wake