Northern Light – Minnesota chords

This is a song from 1975.  The words have been checked by one of the band members 
(David Sandler at and are used with his permission.  
The chords are my own fault.
(loon yodel)
Intro:  G

G CMinnesota - I can almost smell the air.
Em I can feel her hand, and my feet in the sand
C D Gin the lakes under trees back home.
Minnesota - You're the gateway to my soul. You are in my blood, soil's thicker than mud, in the land where the waters roll.
G D C G D C GYou know I faded Cali - forn - i - a
DI was thinking, I was gonna duck the snow
G DBut what I'd give to go back now,
G Dand see the snow coming down
G D Em C Don the pines and the parkways way back ho-e-o-e-ome
Minnesota - How I miss those sail-on days I miss the stormy nights and the northern light in the starry skies back home interlude I've been a runaway, I've seen my hobo days I thought I'd shake the hay from my shoes But how I'd love to smell the sweetness of the corn and the wheat between us and see the lakes that glisten in the su-e-u-e-un Minnesota, well you know I'll make it back you can count someday I'll be coming your way with a heart full of hope once more Minnesota, I almost see the time, the golden leaves blowing free in the breeze, a clear blue water's shore Dit-dit-dit dit-dit I'm coming home Dit-dit-dit dit-dit I'm coming home Dit-dit-dit dit-dit Dit-dit-dit dit-dit Back to my country now yeah Dit dit dit dit-dit I'm coming home Dit-dit-dit dit-dit I'm coming home Dit-dit-dit dit-dit Dit-dit-dit dit-dit Back to my country now yeah
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